Office de tourisme
Alsace - Massif des Vosges - France


Nicole Lignel

67130 Belmont - Localiser

"If you ask Nicole Lignel to show you her favourite spot, she's bound to take you just above her farm in the Belmont uplands to the ""Cabane du Berger."" Because it's the start point or crossing point for several walks that she runs as part of the Pleasure Trails. But first and foremost, it's because this is where she can reconnect with her memories...

""My roots, my life, my decisions... It's all here! ""

Nicole Lignel's favourite spot

""Why the Cabane du Berger? It may seem an unlikely spot. And there are lots of other fantastic views around Belmont. But I often come back here because I instantly find what I hold dear.

Firstly, the unique charm of a mountain landscape that may be rough but oozes warmth. My father came here from Paris with a bang. And he never left... All my childhood memories are here. The shepherd was a character in the village. When he blew his trumpet in the morning, the cows came out. He took them to graze on the Haut des Monts plateau. Then they would come back down to the ""resting place"" in the middle of the day. And he'd have a nap in the cabin. I myself watched the cattle here when I decided to become a farmer after running the village grocery.

My son Mickaël has now taken over the farm. I have a little time. And I love running the Pleasure Trail walks. There are lots of great things to see and stories to tell on the Belmont and Champ du Feu paths. As I walk I can hear my mother telling me local legends like the one about the ""Popains"" rock (babies in patois) where broody women would pray. Thinking about all that brings me peace. Because it's timeless. Well, from another time. Less equipped materially-speaking but certainly less stressed and happier too."""

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© 2017 - 2024 - Office de Tourisme de la Vallée de la Bruche - DNConsultants

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