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- Nature
Escape, sensations and discoveries In the Bruche valley! Whether there is snow or not, the
- Inhabitants, Meetings
Christmas treasure hunts in the Bruche Valley! Want to add a dose of magic and
- Inhabitants, Meetings
Stories of Bruche the little anecdotes and the big stories The tourist office of the Bruche valley cultivates
- Nature
Everyone knows Et pourtant! Cédric FICHT, director of the ONF agency in Schirmeck, tells us more. The ONF,
- Nature
You share our trails Also share our values! Running, walking, cycling or simply contemplating, these activities of
- Nature
From war to reconciliation To question borders and identities Author: François Ernenwein Here is who
the best of Alsace and the Vosges
In the Bruche Valley

Nordic hiking
Les Randonneurs Vosgiens in partnership with the Tourist Office offer “leisure” Nordic walking sessions, initiation and discovery by a trained coach. Recommended for the well-being of body and mind, this activity combines

Night walk “In search of the treasure of Perheux”
Night walk “In search of the treasure of Perheux” in the footsteps of the “Haxes” of Ban de la Roche, punctuated with gourmet breaks, decorated scenes and entertainment. Restoration at the end of the route. We

Market for local artisans and producers
Local produce market with refreshment bar, catering from producers, tarte flambées in the evening, mini-farm, entertainment, demonstrations and free stage.

Friendly day and Dreamcatcher at the Mini Farm
The Mini Ferme du Heydé welcomes you for a friendly day with the following on the program: presentation of the animals, feeding, making a dreamcatcher, picnic on site with picnic lunch, barbecue available and small

Discovery outing of the Serva peat bog
Explore the treasures of the Champ du Feu biological reserve and in particular the Serva peat bog. Discover the multiple functions of wetlands and the management implemented to conserve them.

Pleasure Trails: The Natzweiler concentration camp and Alsace
Thanks to an interesting vein of pink granite, the Natzweiler – Struthof concentration camp was established in 1941 on French territory in annexed Alsace. 52 deportees, over 000