Office de tourisme
Alsace - Massif des Vosges - France


Exploitations multiples

route départementale 130 - Le Struthof - 67130 Natzwiller - Localiser

L-NATZWEILER and the Medical Faculty of the Reich University of Strasbourg (1941-1944). The links between the medical faculty of the Reichsuniversität Strasbourg and the Natzweiler concentration camp were already known, in particular the experiments carried out by Eugen Haagen, Otto Bickenbach and August Hirt, and the murder of 86 Jewish people in the gas chamber set up for this purpose. Recent work by the Historical Commission on the Medical Faculty of the Reich University of Strasbourg has uncovered more, more mundane and less extreme connections. All these interactions, interconnections and collaborations contribute to renew the image of a hermetic, secluded and isolated concentration camp in the Alsatian Vosges, towards a camp that was fully integrated into the Nazi system of health care and racial hygiene. This exhibition is realized in partnership with the University of Strasbourg and with the support of the Grand Est Region.

Visites et hébergements aux alentours

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Vallée de la Bruche

L'accueil est dans notre nature
Alsace - Massif des Vosges - France

© 2017 - 2024 - Office de Tourisme de la Vallée de la Bruche - DNConsultants

En ce moment

Crédit : centre européen du résistant déporté

Former concentration camp Natzweiler Struthof
du 16/04/2024 au 30/09/2024 à Natzwiller

source :

Musée Oberlin
du 02/05/2024 au 19/05/2024 à Waldersbach


Day event : Brotelets at the Chenot
Le 09/05/2024 à Wildersbach

Pexels - Markus Spiske

Troc de Plantes
Le 12/05/2024 à Colroy la Roche

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