Office de tourisme
Alsace - Massif des Vosges - France


Jean-Frédéric Oberlin

67130 Waldersbach - Localiser

"In 1769 in the most unlikely part of Alsace, even France, and long before the establishment of the secular public school, the first primary school in France opened… In the small mid-mountain village of Waldersbach, an energetic visionary and reformer pastor called Jean Frédéric Oberlin put a huge amount of energy into introducing the local population, from children to adulthood, to education and learning about life in society. The tools he used were ""revolutionary""...

Educational toy and instrument collections straight from this insatiable knowledge seeker's mind stand alongside curiosities from all over the world in the presbytery where he lived, met parishioners and housed the first ""poêle à tricoter"" (classroom). As you explore the rooms, your eyes wander from botanical and zoological studies to ""homemade"" geography and astronomy maps with funny comments by the master... When the sun's out, the house's vegetable garden and orchard are an aromatic walk among popular, little-known and forgotten plants and herbs... Jean Frédéric Oberlin's story could have ended in the 19th century... But, on the contrary, his legacy lives on: year-round workshops, conferences and exciting experiences prove that you can still learn by having fun!"

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Visites et hébergements aux alentours

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Alsace - Massif des Vosges - France

© 2017 - 2024 - Office de Tourisme de la Vallée de la Bruche - DNConsultants

En ce moment

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