Office de tourisme
Alsace - Massif des Vosges - France


Calendar - The Bruche Valley

Folk festivals, gourmet walks, festivals and exhibitions like the “Décibulles” (open air concerts), “Printemps des Arts”, “De l’Art et du Cochon” (art festivals)... Night walks like randonnée au Pays des Haxes (= witches), concerts and Christmas Eve celebrations, choral singing... Do not think nothing happens in the Bruche Valley or that the Alsatians have no sense of fun. You need to come here and judge for yourself.

Trier par :
202 Résultats
Agenda 2017
© OTVB / Stéphane SPACH

Marché des artisans et producteurs locaux

Market of local products with refreshments, food from producers, tarts flambées in the evening, mini-farm & pony rides and live music.
Le Samedi 01/06/2024 de 10h00 à 22h00
Soirée tartes flambées - defaut
La Claquette

Soirée tartes flambées

Le Samedi 01/06/2024 à 18h30
© OTVB / Stéphane SPACH

Marché des artisans et producteurs locaux

Market of local products with refreshments, food from producers, tarts flambées in the evening, mini-farm & pony rides and live music.
Le Dimanche 02/06/2024 de 10h00 à 18h00
Pexels - Pixabay

Childcare market

Schirmeck La Broque Basket offers a childcare market with clothes, toys and other childcare items. Refreshments and snacks on site.
Le Dimanche 02/06/2024 de 09h00 à 15h00
© Stéphane Spach

Pleasure trails: Bien être et contemplation selon Hildegarde de Bingen

Every summer for more than 30 years now, the inhabitants of the Bruche Valley volunteer to accompany friends and visitors along the trails, telling them all about the local...
Le Mercredi 05/06/2024 de 08h30 à 12h00
Stéphane Spach

Rencontre d'exception : Avec Colette, c'est du champ à l'assiette

Le Mercredi 05/06/2024 de 09h45 à 13h00
Centre aquatique Boiséo
La Broque

Soirées aquarelax

Le Vendredi 07/06/2024 de 19h00 à 19h45
Raphaël Gugumus

Aperitif & outdoor games

Share a friendly moment and have fun in the open air with different games like traditional bowling, petanque, molkky etc.. Terms: free participation (excluding refreshments).
Le Dimanche 09/06/2024 de 10h00 à 12h00
Maurice Marchal

Pleasure trails: Observation des oiseaux

Every summer for more than 30 years now, the inhabitants of the Bruche Valley volunteer to accompany friends and visitors along the trails, telling them all about the local...
Le Lundi 10/06/2024 de 07h15 à 12h00
Mémorial Alsace Moselle

Winter holidays visits of the Memorial Alsace Moselle

Take advantage of the school holidays to discover the exceptional scenography of the Alsace-Moselle Memorial. Dive into the history of the region from 1870 to the present day with...
Le Vendredi 14/06/2024 de 18h00 à 19h30

Vallée de la Bruche

L'accueil est dans notre nature
Alsace - Massif des Vosges - France

© 2017 - 2024 - Office de Tourisme de la Vallée de la Bruche - DNConsultants

En ce moment

Mémorial Alsace-Moselle

The Alsace-Moselle Memorial
du 02/05/2024 au 31/12/2024 à Schirmeck

source :

Musée Oberlin
du 02/05/2024 au 19/05/2024 à Waldersbach


Karaoke party
Le 03/05/2024 à Schirmeck

Mémorial Alsace Moselle

Winter holidays visits of the Memorial Alsace Moselle
Le 10/05/2024 à Schirmeck

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