Vallée de la Bruche
Alsace - Massif des Vosges - France

Concert poétique

Home Poetic concert
© Pexels - Pixabay
Nearest station:  Saint-Blaise-la-Roche - Poutay

Margaux and Martin will share with you songs that resonate with love and emotion, backed by their 140 concerts around the world. In the enchanting setting of Kota CĹ“ur, on the edge of the forest, share an unforgettable moment in a warm and welcoming environment. Enjoy a moment of exchange with the artists after the performance.
Host: Valé'rie Tisseuse de Liens, weaves deep, sensory experiences in her Finnish Kota Cœur, a magical place where art and culture meet.
Support local culture by booking your tickets now - places are limited!
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Pratical information

Target audience

Adults (individuals) Families

Admission fees

Mandatory reservation. information:


Place of departure : Kota Heart Ă  Plaine

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