Nearest station: Rothau

The Devil's Prey, Tuesday, December 13 at 8:30 PM
Forbidden -12 years old
horror, thriller
Running time 1h 33min
Director Daniel Stamm
Cast Jacqueline Byers, Virginia Madsen, Colin Salmon, Nicholas Ralph, Ben Cross
According to Vatican records, cases of demonic possession have increased dramatically in recent years. To deal with this, the Catholic Church has secretly reopened schools of exorcism. On this spiritual battlefield, Sister Ann, a young nun, stands out as a promising fighter. Although nuns are forbidden to perform exorcisms, a teacher detects her special gift and agrees to initiate her. But her soul is in danger because the evil forces she is fighting are mysteriously linked to her traumatic past: the devil has chosen her and he wants to enter... View map
Forbidden -12 years old
horror, thriller
Running time 1h 33min
Director Daniel Stamm
Cast Jacqueline Byers, Virginia Madsen, Colin Salmon, Nicholas Ralph, Ben Cross
According to Vatican records, cases of demonic possession have increased dramatically in recent years. To deal with this, the Catholic Church has secretly reopened schools of exorcism. On this spiritual battlefield, Sister Ann, a young nun, stands out as a promising fighter. Although nuns are forbidden to perform exorcisms, a teacher detects her special gift and agrees to initiate her. But her soul is in danger because the evil forces she is fighting are mysteriously linked to her traumatic past: the devil has chosen her and he wants to enter... View map
Pratical information
Target audience
Free parking for cars
Parking coach
Admission fees
Adult: 6 euros (3D supplement: 1,50) Child: 4 euros (3D supplement: 1,50)
03 88 97 99 57
Place of departure : Le Royal Cinema à Rothau