Moved glances, knowing smiles, relieved inhabitants, exhausted troops, streets and landscapes marked by war and de facto annexation... The liberation of the Bruche Valley in Alsace, carried out from November 23 to 26, 1944 by American troops, supported by the actions of resistance networks, is told through an exhibition of black and white photographs. Archival films and objects complete it.
From the Saâles Pass to the villages of Niederhaslach and Oberhaslach, via Schirmeck and the liberation of the Vorbruck-Schirmeck security camps and the Natzweiler concentration camps, the exhibition bears witness to the field operations carried out by American troops to liberate Alsace and Moselle, which had been annexed since the summer of 1940, and to secure the western front of Strasbourg, liberated on 23 November 1944. Available in German and English versions, it features documents from French and American archives, and objects from the collections of the Alsace-Moselle Memorial, the Molsheim Municipal Archives, the Association of Friends of the Schirmeck Synagogue, the ECPAD (Établissement de communication et de production audiovisuelle de la Défense et d'archives), NARA (National Archives and Records Administration), as well as private funds.
From the Saâles Pass to the villages of Niederhaslach and Oberhaslach, via Schirmeck and the liberation of the Vorbruck-Schirmeck security camps and the Natzweiler concentration camps, the exhibition bears witness to the field operations carried out by American troops to liberate Alsace and Moselle, which had been annexed since the summer of 1940, and to secure the western front of Strasbourg, liberated on 23 November 1944. Available in German and English versions, it features documents from French and American archives, and objects from the collections of the Alsace-Moselle Memorial, the Molsheim Municipal Archives, the Association of Friends of the Schirmeck Synagogue, the ECPAD (Établissement de communication et de production audiovisuelle de la Défense et d'archives), NARA (National Archives and Records Administration), as well as private funds.