Nearest station:  Schirmeck-La Broque

A stroll along the streets of Schirmeck, Catherine or Alain invite you to look up at the city's built heritage. It reveals, to those who know how to see them, numerous traces of the presence of the Jewish community from the 19th century until today: shops, places of residence, stories of families and destinies... Departure: 15 p.m. tourist office from the Bruche valley to Schirmeck. Return around 17 p.m. Conditions: walking shoes, drinks, clothing & protection adapted to the weather. Distance: 2 km. Height difference: 50m See the map
Pratical information
Type of event
Target audience
Adults (individuals)
Difficulty level
For all
Necessary tools
Walking shoes
Admission fees
Place of departure : Bruche Valley Tourist Office Ă Schirmeck