Vallée de la Bruche
Alsace - Massif des Vosges - France

Health workshop

Home Health day according to Saint Hildegard of Bingen
© OTVB / Stephane SPACH

On the program: teaching on the precepts of Hildegard, cooking workshops using spelled, making a remedy: parsley wine, sharing a complete meal: starter, main course, cheese and dessert and botanical outing to the garden. Hildegard. See you soon the joy of sharing the treasures of this exceptional Benedictine and visionary! Day hosted by Amélie Villemain-Michel advisor Hildegardienne and Marie-Christine Matt.

What to do nearby
Reading Nights: À quoi ça sert? exhibition

Reading Nights: À quoi ça sert? exhibition

Nuits de la lecture: Conference on heritage maintenance and enhancement

Nuits de la lecture: Conference on heritage maintenance and enhancement

Nuits de la lecture : Contes et châteaux d'Alsace

Nuits de la lecture : Contes et châteaux d'Alsace

Nuits de la lecture : Escape Game

Nuits de la lecture : Escape Game

Soirée Paëlla

Soirée Paëlla

Boiséo Aquatic Center Open House

Boiséo Aquatic Center Open House

La Broque
Reading Nights: Conference on Salm Castle

Reading Nights: Conference on Salm Castle

La Claquette
Armageddon Time

Armageddon Time

La Proie du Diable

La Proie du Diable

Michael Kenna, photographies du camp de Natzweiler

Michael Kenna, photographies du camp de Natzweiler
