Vallée de la Bruche
Alsace - Massif des Vosges - France


There are still things

that you don't know!

Enter this blog space and discover stories, topics, news that are making headlines in the Bruche Valley throughout the year.

Escape, sensations and discoveries In the Bruche valley! Whether there is snow or not, the

ONF – Guardians of tomorrow’s forest

Everyone knows Et pourtant! Cédric FICHT, director of the ONF agency in Schirmeck, tells us more. The ONF, formerly the "water and forest administration", was created in 1966 and operates


Respect for nature

You share our trails Also share our values! Running, walking, cycling or simply contemplating, these outdoor activities contribute to everyone's well-being and are experiencing renewed interest. Natural spaces


The blue line of the Vosges

From war to reconciliation To question borders and identities Author: François Ernenwein This could evoke the green ray or the blue hour filmed by Eric Rohmer or even the


Summer events 2024

A summer in “balconie” In the Bruche valley! To all those who welcome family, small children or have simply chosen to spend the summer peacefully in the valley


Natura 2000 – An asset as much as a challenge

Natura 2000 An asset as much as a challenge! Among the countless European classifications, this is one of which we can be proud and which deserves our attention. Often perceived as a regulatory constraint
