Office de tourisme
Alsace - Massif des Vosges - France


Fabrice Krencker

La Salcée - 67420 Ranrupt - Localiser

"Fabrice Krencker is the founder of CONFITURES DU CLIMONT listed as a Living Heritage Company in 2014. His story: When I was young I always said ""If I don't do well at school then I'll make jam..."" The former teacher was drawn to country life and getting back to nature and dived into the adventure in 1985 by opening his workshop in the small hamlet of La Salcée. His ambition: introduce the public to jam free of preservatives, pectins, colouring and gelatin just like grandma used to make. After 31 years and 32 original fruity concoctions, Fabrice passed on the secrets of his production and expertise to his daughter Perrine and her husband in 2016.

Fabrice on Fabrice:
""We've been researchers for 30 years. We've helped reinvent the trade by designing specially adapted tools for this artisan business. We haven't stopped improving our recipes by creating new ones. In the world of jam, you can always invent to amaze and entice the palates of countless enthusiasts. So yes, jam is still a joy, for our clients and us too!"""

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Alsace - Massif des Vosges - France

© 2017 - 2024 - Office de Tourisme de la Vallée de la Bruche - DNConsultants

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